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Wabi sabi style in decoration: the beauty of natural simplicity and imperfection

The wabi-sabi style in decoration is a Japanese trend that seeks beauty in simplicity, the natural.

The wabi-sabi style in decoration is a Japanese trend that seeks beauty in simplicity, the natural. Its aesthetic is characterized by the use of natural materials, simplicity and minimalism. Wabi-sabi decoration values ​​uniqueness and the art of the imperfect . To apply this trend, it is recommended to use simple environments with little lighting. In addition, it is suggested to add pieces that add personal or emotional value by recovering old or inherited objects.

What is the wabi-sabi style in decoration?

The wabi-sabi style is a Japanese decorative trend that is characterized by seeking beauty in simplicity, imperfection and nature. This style is based on minimalist aesthetics and the use of natural materials such as wood, stone and plant fibers.

Definition, origin and principles of the wabi-sabi style

The term wabi-sabi comes from the Japanese concept of imperfect beauty and has its origins in Zen Buddhism. This philosophy is based on the acceptance of what is natural, simple and modest.

The essence of Wabi-Sabi is found in the connection with nature and in the appreciation of the marks of time. Value the irregularities, cracks and imperfections of the objects, since they represent the history and experience accumulated over time. Instead of hiding these imperfections, they are given prominence and seen as an integral part of an object's beauty.

The term "Wabi" refers to the simplicity, humility and tranquility found in solitude and nature. On the other hand, "Sabi" encompasses the beauty that arises with the passage of time and the inevitable decay of things. Together, Wabi-Sabi represents an aesthetic vision that embraces impermanence and celebrates authenticity.

Characteristics of wabi-sabi decoration

Wabi-sabi decoration is characterized by its minimalism, simplicity and authenticity . The aim is to create an intimate and cozy atmosphere with neutral tones and little natural light. It is committed to authentic elements with history, and the singularity and the art of the imperfect are valued. Likewise, it is recommended to add pieces that add personal or emotional value, recovering old or inherited objects that bring a new air to the space.:

  1. Simplicity: The Wabi-Sabi advocates a minimalist decoration and stripped of excesses. Simplicity in spaces is valued, avoiding visual overload and opting for basic elements and furniture.

  2. Imperfection: In the wabi-sabi style, beauty is sought in the natural and imperfect. It is important to appreciate the uniqueness of each object, as well as its history and personal meaning. At Wabi-Sabi, appreciation of everyday objects is valued, even those that may seem insignificant to the naked eye. A worn ceramic bowl, an aged wooden table or a wrinkled cloth can be considered true works of art in this aesthetic approach. They are attributed a unique beauty, as they reflect the history and life they have experienced.

  3. Earthy and Neutral Colors: The Wabi-Sabi color palette is based on earthy and neutral tones, such as browns, grays, soft greens, and muted tones. These colors convey a sense of calm and connection with nature.

  4. Objects with history: The wabi-sabi style values ​​the authenticity of objects with history, so the recovery of old and inherited objects is one of the keys to this style. It is important to incorporate these objects in a natural way, respecting their historical value.

  5. Harmony between the old and the new: In the wabi-sabi style, a balance between old and contemporary elements is sought. The combination of pieces with history and modern objects creates a sense of continuity and highlights timeless beauty.

  6. Spaces for contemplation and relaxation: the wabi sabi decoration seeks to create corners dedicated to tranquility and introspection. Cozy reading areas with soft cushions and blankets, serene indoor gardens, or meditation spaces are ideal for fostering calm and connection with oneself.

  7. Softly lit spaces: Lighting plays a crucial role in the wabi-sabi aesthetic. A soft and diffused light is sought, avoiding direct and bright lighting. Lamps with paper shades, candles and wall sconces that emit a warm light contribute to creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

  8. Nature: It seeks to connect with nature and bring natural elements into the spaces. Materials such as wood, stone, and linen are prized for their organic texture and aged or worn appearance.

  9. Use of organic elements: In addition to natural materials, the inclusion of organic elements in the decoration is valued. This can include details such as seashells, loose stones, dry branches or handmade fabrics that reinforce the connection with nature and highlight the beauty of the simple.

  10. Functional and clear spaces: In wabi-sabi decoration, functionality is prioritized and excessive decorative elements are avoided. The practical utility of each object is sought and the unnecessary is eliminated to maintain a clean and uncluttered environment.

  11. Crafts and unique pieces: The incorporation of crafts and unique objects is essential in the wabi-sabi style. The work done by hand and the story behind each piece are valued. Handcrafted furniture and accessories, handmade ceramics and handwoven textiles add authenticity and character to the spaces.

  12. Create an intimate and welcoming atmosphere . The wabi-sabi style seeks to create an intimate and welcoming atmosphere, so to achieve this, it is key to reduce the size of the spaces, if possible, or set them considering their original size, using furniture and accessories of the appropriate size. In addition, it is recommended to avoid the saturation of elements in the decoration, but include details that provide warmth and personality.

Wabi-sabi decoration offers a unique and comforting perspective, inviting us to appreciate the beauty in imperfection and the simplicity of objects and spaces. It is an approach that connects us with the essence of nature and invites us to find serenity in our daily environment.


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